The commemorative 36 patch block:
Yesterday was my 36th birthday!
Last weekend, I promised Niels that I would make us a picnic quilt. The beach blanket is great, but a quilt would be even better! And all he’s gotten out of my newfound hobby is a Lakers pillow made with a remnant (8 months after buying said remnant) and hemming up of some oversized pillow cases, so its probably time that I made US something.
I was looking around online for inspiration for our picnic quilt, and I came upon Crazy Mom Quilts‘ 36-patch quilt along. The whole 36 thing seemed like a bit of synergy. And its colorful, can be done with my ever-growing stash, and I may even make it with 36 blocks, unless I think that it should be bigger!
Yesterday morning I was wide awake early. I headed downstairs, opened the couple of packages I set aside in hopes that they actually contained birthday presents (they did!) and then decided to head to the sewing machine for a bit before I had to get to work. I finished up one little project that I’ll blog about once I clean it up… Then I decided to test out the 36-patch, just to see how it went. I picked out a couple of fabrics, and after a bit of cutting, ironing, pinning and sewing, voila:
I made another block this morning before heading out to my “get to know your sewing machine” class – a month after I bought my new sewing machine. Today, I actually followed the cutting directions, which made the whole process a lot easier . . .
If you told me last year that I would consider sitting down for an hour at the sewing machine a perfect part of a relaxing birthday, I would have thought you were crazy. But here I am, really enjoying the process of creating (what I think are) beautiful things and sharing them with friends and family. But indeed, the next project is for me, for my birthday.
Great new quilt!!!
36 is going to be a great year!